mardi 16 octobre 2012


Here is the complete "crossover" adventures of Atomman:
First is the "Slime" story first released as "The World's Greatest Fights" in December 2009 and later it became the very first Annual for Atomman.Powerking,yet another character created by Caterson Damon appears alongside the Slime.

In order to add "outside characters",ABP started the series EARTH 7 to include on it's first release the infamous Lord X character created by Caterson Damon.
Part 1 was released in February of 2012 at the same time ABP released the last issues of 3 series:Atomman
#30,Justiciary # 15 and Special Edition # 10.

Later that same year,in April,Volume 2 was released with a cover created by Chow Martin (U.K.) and a follow up to this series is in the future projects of ABP.

The Powerhouse Comics Company released it's own "crossover" story with ABP characters(2012)

Atomman even had the previlege of appearing on the cover of that issue alongside Astro-Flash and Mysteray in the background.

The Justiciary also appeared in that same issue with an image by ABP reworked by Caterson Damon.

Future adventures in Earth 7 series should provide a formal meeting between Atomman and Cosmicman,yes
that is in the projects along with Stargazer and also the return of Lord X for a final epic battle ???!!!....
to be continued...

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