jeudi 31 janvier 2013

Chow Martin's work

The work of Chow Martin (UK)
On the left the newly released Atomman Annual # 3 and on the right,the cover for the Earth 7 part 2 project.
The Eye makes it's return in Atomman Annual # 3
A montage made by Chow Martin with the cover of Annual # 3
Finally,this montage by ABP for the Annual # 3

dimanche 27 janvier 2013

Color Cover Annual # 3

Here's the Color Cover for Atomman Annual # 3
Coming soon: Atomman # 2 in French,follow-up to the #1 adventures

vendredi 11 janvier 2013

Atomman Annual # 3

Here are pages 1 to 10:
Thanks to CHOW MARTIN for this Atomman Annual # 3 (2012)
Atomman Annual # 1 & 2 also available

jeudi 10 janvier 2013

Atomman s'attaque à l'industrie nucléaire et se heurte à forte résistance dans le numéro un de cette série:
Gentilly 2 Bécancour (Mauricie) Quebec,Canada
L'aventure va se poursuivre bientôt dans le numéro 2 à suivre...

jeudi 3 janvier 2013

Atomman Annuals

A look at Atomman Annuals:

First Annual released in 2010
Featuring:The Slime & Powerking,characters created by Caterson Damon
(Used with permission)(c)(r)

Extract from page 3

and one image from the fantastic fight between Atomman and The Slime

Atomman Annual # 2:

Released in 2011
Featuring "Living Deads"

An interresting story by Al Barrett...

With an epic end

Annual # 3 for 2012 is almost ready,stay tuned...