Team Canada
We must deploy our greatest heroes in face of the danger from Trump's fascists
The origin of Atomman
Red Leaf Comics
Team Canada
We must deploy our greatest heroes in face of the danger from Trump's fascists
The origin of Atomman
Red Leaf Comics
Ramon Serrano
Atomman vs Goliath
X-Rayman and Maximilian from the Justicary
Goloth remade
The Eye and Skrull
Our heroe
A few more illustretions
by Ramon Serrano
The Neutronman vs The Dark Helmet
Maximilian original leader of the Justiciary
Atomman vs Goloth
Original cover
New Illustrations
By Ramon Serrano
The TwinWasp members of the Justiciary
Robor who fought both Atomman and the Justiciary
The Man of Stone with Astro-Flash
Members of the Justiciary
X-rayMan with Maximilian members of the Justiciary
Atomman with the Justiciary then the Kingtoad and the Guillman
Guillman battling the Justiciary
Man of Stone,the Justiciary and Man-tus
The Justiciary surronding the Tangler with Atomman in his grip
15 years ago
Red Leaf Comics released the origin of Atomman with a cover by Ramon Serrano 2009-2024
now available on Amazon
On Amazon
Number one now on paper
Pictures provided by Fred Andrieu